
The Fire Management Research Network (FMRM) is an online platform for sharing knowledge & ideas on fire management in South Africa.

This Network promotes the concept of Integrated Fire Management (IMF). IFM is used globally in fire-prone countries to successfully and efficiently fight wildfires.

The key to IFM consists of 5 R’s: Readiness, Reduction, Response, Recovery and Research.

80% of the focus is placed on the proactive sections; reduction and readiness. It is essential to take preventative measures to counter the start and spread of fires.

Readiness speaks to establishing systems and acquiring resources and capacity to mitigate the effects of fire and effectively respond to unwanted wildfires which may occur.

IFM incorporates different fire management activities, such as aircraft, vehicles, pilots, firefighters, incident management teams equipment and tools, in a strategic framework to reduce the overall impact of unwanted wildfire damage. It also promotes the beneficial use of fire as part of Reduction.

This leaves 20% for reactive fire suppression, that is, response. This includes coordinated action which brings the right resources, with accurate information, to an unwanted fire without delay. Rapid Initial Attacks from aerial crews are of utmost importance.

Rehabilitation, or recovery, means that actions are put in place, together with research and investigations after a fire incident, to prevent a similar occurrence. We are constantly learning from our research, which, in return, influences our approach to wildfires.

Integrated Fire Management

Our IFM solutions can be adapted to suit the requirements of clients, including large-scale commercial forestry operations, various land users and Fire Protection Associations (FPA).


Mitigate fire risk through planning, training, early detection and resource capacity. We provide proven risk management, training, detection and system and capacity solutions to mitigate fire risk.


Fire Reduction, as part of Integrated Fire Management, is a set of activities developed to mitigate and manage the start and spread of fires as well as navigation of legislation during implementation.


Response as part of Integrated Fire Management is a set of coordinated actions to bring the correct resources with accurate information to an unwanted fire without delay.


The aftermath of a wildfire requires rehabilitation of the burnt area. Immediate dangers include soil erosion and longer-term damage by invasion of exotic and invasive plant species. In commercial areas there can be a need to remove burnt materials and re-plant commercial crops and trees.